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Tommy Robinson
Tommy Robinson needs your help.

Nelson Mandela had better conditions in prison than Tommy. In the end, Mandela had a prison garden. Tommy has been beaten unconscious in prison and had his teeth knocked out.

Tommy Robinson beaten unconscious


Tommy has told the truth about Islamic rape gangs targeting thousands of indigenous British girls. Then, when he received a long sentence for the flimsiest of reasons - he lied on behalf of his brother on a mortgage application - he was put among Islamic violent offenders, including murderers. For his own protection, he spent 22 weeks of his prison term in solitary confinement.

Why was he put among Islamic violent offenders for a non-violent offense
that usually has no prison sentence?

He knows it's because the authorities wanted him out of the way.

And now, April 14, there is another court case against him for striking a fellow prisoner who was about to pour boiling water on Tommy's face.

Tommy desperately needs financial support from us
- money that can be used for a lawyer. Plus he has a wife and three children.

A better lawyer could mean the difference between life and death. The one he has now is paid by the state that has been 100% against Tommy.

Who are we? We're friends of Tommy Robinson.

The money will go 100% directly to him.

Please give generously.

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UK currency:

Note: you can edit the amount.

We're grateful for anything you can manage to give. We need you to give.

Please also pass on this urgent request:  http://WestInDanger.com

For more on Tommy, get his book, Enemy of the State:

Tommy Robinson's book, Enemy of the State

You can also get the kindle version on Amazon.

He wrote the book so that, even if he is killed, his story will survive.

And here are 2 recent video interviews on The Glazov Gang that tell of Tommy Robinson's ordeal, that he only barely survived:

Tommy Robinson on The Glazov Gang

Once again we ask you, please give generously.

US currency:

UK currency:

Note: you can edit the amount.

Thank you.

We all know anything we give is not just for Tommy Robinson, but to combat the many injustices intended to silence those who dare speak out against Islamization.

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